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Historical Funding Rate



Fetch historical funding rate data for a given exchange and symbol.


Query Parameters

    exchange stringrequired

    Specifes exchange

    Example: binance
    symbol stringrequired

    Specifies symbol

    Example: BTC-USDT
    page string

    Default value: 1

    Specifies page

    Example: 1
    limit string

    Default value: 1000

    Specifies limit

    Example: 1000
    from string

    Specifies from

    Example: 2021-01-01
    to string

    Specifies to

    Example: 2021-01-01
    sort string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: asc

    Specifies sort

    Example: asc

Header Parameters

    X-DTMX-APIKEY stringrequired

    Your DataMaxi+ API key




  • Array [

  • data


    data specifies an array of funding rate data

  • Array [

  • d string

    specifies the date and time

    f string

    specifies the funding rate

    m string

    specifies the mark price

  • ]

  • from string

    specifies the start date of the requested data (either from or to can be used, but not both)

    limit integer

    specifies the number of records per page

    page integer

    specifies the current page of the response

    sort string

    specifies the order of the records

    to string

    specifies the end date of the requested data (either from or to can be used, but not both)

  • ]
